mercredi 9 mars 2011

Disney Dream Portraits by Annie Leibovitz: Behind The Scenes With Queen Latifah as Ursula

Continuing our look behind the scenes of the latest Disney Dream Portraits by Annie Leibovitz, today we’re going to spend some time with the wonderful Queen Latifah as she takes on the role of the most slippery of all Disney villains, Ursula from “The Little Mermaid.” The shoot took place last November in Los Angeles, just a few days before Thanksgiving. I had been wondering on the way to the studio that morning just how in the world Annie and her amazing team were going to pull this one off. Once I walked in, I got my answer. A costume like no other! When Queen Latifah tried those tentacles on for size, the energy in the room became palpable. As you’ll see in this video, she told me she has always wanted to play a villain, and I think she made a fantastic choice for her nefarious debut. This was a really memorable shoot that resulted in another stunning portrait. Being in the presence of two great artists coming together to create something so unique was an unforgettable experience.

Via: Disney Parks Blog

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