mercredi 28 janvier 2015 - “I use an off-camera flash to transform moments into photographic fiction,” says Dina Litovsky (@dina_litovsky), a Brooklyn-based photographer who was born in the Ukraine and grew up in New York City. She cites the frenzied compositions - “I use an off-camera flash to transform moments into photographic fiction,” says Dina Litovsky (@dina_litovsky), a Brooklyn-based photographer who was born in the Ukraine and grew up in New York City. She cites the frenzied compositions and harsh lighting of German expressionist paintings as an influence on her photographs of social gatherings. “Most of my photography focuses on public behavior, social interaction, as well as rituals and peculiarities of contemporary culture,” says Dina. “I think of my work as visual anthropology.” Speaking of her distinctive lighting technique, she says, “I experimented with using off-camera flash and loved the way it could separate the subject from the environment and tell individual stories in a crowded space.” She notes, “Though I am never interfering in the scene in any way, I wouldn’t call my work a straight document. Reality can be manipulated in many ways — my current weapon of choice is light.” Photo by @dina_litovsky @Hotelslive by instagram Follow instagram @Hotelspaschers and @Voyageslive #Twitter #TeamFollowBack #Instagram #Voyage #Travel #TFB #FollowTrick via #Retweet #TeamFollowBack #F4F #TityFollowTrain via

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