samedi 29 août 2015

Photo by @stephenwilkes: Re-planned and rebuilt. A levee in New Orleans as seen from above, nearly a decade after Hurricane Katrina. The change from 2005 is dramatic: resilience and restoration in some areas, abandonment in others. The colorful new buildi

Comparateur de voyages : - Photo by @stephenwilkes: Re-planned and rebuilt. A levee in New Orleans as seen from above, nearly a decade after Hurricane Katrina. The change from 2005 is dramatic: resilience and restoration in some areas, abandonment in others. The colorful new buildings were designed to withstand the next hundred-year storm. This restoration project is a reminder that we have decisions to make—and some will be easier than others. #KatrinaAnniversary #levee #nola #NewOrleans #Louisiana #hope #progress via via

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