dimanche 6 mars 2016

Photo by @jamesqmartin Here @mattsegal makes short work of a beautiful line, Carbondale Short Bus. One of the worlds hardest "trad lines" boosting a 5.14- difficulty rating. Hotels-live.com via https://www.instagram.com/p/BClllpICoLg/

Photo by @jamesqmartin Here @mattsegal makes short work of a beautiful line, Carbondale Short Bus. One of the worlds hardest "trad lines" boosting a 5.14- difficulty rating. Hotels-live.com via www.instagram.com/p/BClllpICoLg/ via http://flic.kr/p/DXpiWH #link https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1662/24912155633_225914fa52_b.jpg

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