dimanche 6 mars 2016

Photo by @renan_ozturk \\ Alongside the glory and action of adventure are the characters you meet along the way. They keep me coming back even more than the summits. The legendary Karma Tsering Sherpa pouring @sherpascinema director @davemossop a cup of t

Photo by @renan_ozturk \\ Alongside the glory and action of adventure are the characters you meet along the way. They keep me coming back even more than the summits. The legendary Karma Tsering Sherpa pouring @sherpascinema director @davemossop a cup of tea... Hotels-live.com via www.instagram.com/p/BCngbobioFH/ via http://flic.kr/p/ENpANc #link https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1546/25466720631_04d126b52c_b.jpg

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