dimanche 24 avril 2016

Ninen Zaka is a slope which leads you to Kiyomizu Temple with Sannen Zaka. Ninen means 'two years'. While it is one of busiest street lined with beautifully restored traditional storeshouses there is a myth if you fall down in here you will die in two yea

Ninen Zaka is a slope which leads you to Kiyomizu Temple with Sannen Zaka. Ninen means 'two years'. While it is one of busiest street lined with beautifully restored traditional storeshouses there is a myth if you fall down in here you will die in two years so please take special care! 🙏 #MeetTheWorld #japan #kyoto #geisha Hotels-live.com via www.instagram.com/p/BElQ33SjyrW/ via http://flic.kr/p/GpzRN5 #link https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1672/26521156332_ac4f89de1f_b.jpg

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