dimanche 24 avril 2016

Ninna Ji Temple /仁和寺 is a world heritage site. The cherry blossoms here are known as 'Omuro Sakura'. They are the latest blooming blossoms in Kyoto. So known for their beauty they are often mentioned in Haiku poems by notable poets. 🌸 #Meet

Ninna Ji Temple /仁和寺 is a world heritage site. The cherry blossoms here are known as 'Omuro Sakura'. They are the latest blooming blossoms in Kyoto. So known for their beauty they are often mentioned in Haiku poems by notable poets. 🌸 #MeetTheWorld #cherryblossom #kyoto #japan Hotels-live.com via www.instagram.com/p/BElmq60jyid/ via http://flic.kr/p/GpUeFN #link https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1582/26524741992_e777e604b9_b.jpg

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