dimanche 24 avril 2016

Sannen Zaka Street 産寧坂 was built for visitors of The Kiyomizu Temple. Sannen means three years and if you fall down here you will die in three years. Crikey! It probably pays to wear sensible shoes in Kyoto. Fear not, because if you do take a tumble you c

Sannen Zaka Street 産寧坂 was built for visitors of The Kiyomizu Temple. Sannen means three years and if you fall down here you will die in three years. Crikey! It probably pays to wear sensible shoes in Kyoto. Fear not, because if you do take a tumble you can buy a talisman for this curse at the bottom of the street. That's the end of our trip through Kyoto in cherry blossom season. We hope you enjoyed it! 🌸 #MeetTheWorld #japan #kyoto Hotels-live.com via www.instagram.com/p/BEl7YRIDyh1/ via http://flic.kr/p/Gqg64q #link https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1568/26528810322_6fe9c2f5db_b.jpg

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